Monday, October 14, 2013

Oh snap..

Welcome to my new blog.. this is only about the 5th one I've started and very likely not the last one I'll start (more on this trend later).

The purpose of this blog is to focus on my impending career change. My brain is in constant motion on this topic and I'm hoping my puking my thoughts into my computer - and in turn the interwebs - that this will free up my brain for some actual productivity.

The title of this blog, "fLAWed" is sorta cheesy. I get that. And yet, it totally feels like it fits. I spent a few 20 minute periods wracking my brain for something clever and witty that would make my blawg stand out... and I was quite disappointed with how UNcreative I can be. At some point nearing midnight fLAWed came to mind.. and it just felt right.

So join me for a discussion (I'm guessing largely one-sided unless I tell my dad about this latest blog adventure) on moving from practicing public interest law at a non-profit to the blood sucking sharkdom of a solo practice. (clearly I'm having some inner turmoil about this transition). Along the way I will also be covering work/life balance as I juggle motherhood, running a household, and trying not to give in to obesity..  are you gaining more insight into why I chose to call this blog "fLAWed?"

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