Wednesday, October 16, 2013


I am in this weird place between winding down one job and trying to start a new one. Now I guess we've all been in this position as far as leaving one job for another. However, my situation is made more complicated by the fact that when I leave my current position I need to START my new job, as in, start my business! I'm not going to a job that exists already and just filling that position. I AM the job. I AM the position.

Obviously, this requires quite a bit of planning and preparation -which in and of itself is rather fun. However, while I'm trying to continue carrying out the duties of my current job, this is quite difficult. Either I don't get the planning done or my current job suffers. I clearly have not mastered time management.

I have two and half months to get this figured out. My goals are to leave my position in good standing and without leaving a mess for my successor to clean up WHILE AT THE SAME TIME putting myself in the position to hit the ground running come January 1, 2014. Well actually January 2, because on 1/1/14 I will be comatose on the couch watching bowl game after bowl game.. preferably with guacamole.

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