Wednesday, October 30, 2013

This train can't be stopped!

Things are happening!

In the past week or so since my last post a few things have happened that make it appear that things are moving along nicely (albeit crazily).

I bought some stuff! Like for my new office! Okay, it should become abundantly clear that I ADORE office supplies and buying stuff - combine the two and I am in near heaven.

BUT I have to admit that pulling the trigger and committing to things like a Multi-Function Printer is scaring the bajeezus out of me. I keep adding one to my "shopping cart" only to take it back out again. I have read every review there is to read and still am having a difficult time.

Living in Hawaii, especially on Kauai, makes this all the more complicated because I basically have to order everything online. Unless Costco carries it, it comes from overseas. So, shipping costs need to be factored in as well. Case in point - my favorite little tabs used for dividing my files are about $3.50/package. So I happily put 5 packages in my shopping cart on Amazon.. shipping was over $50!!! Apparently a gold plated pegasus delivers it directly to your door .. I can find no other explanation.

So, that said, I'm left to pore over websites, online reviews and word of mouth recommendations. So it was quite a momentus moment when I bit the bullet and bought a MONITOR! I plan to plug it into my laptop once I read about 50 more reviews of those do-hickies that connect a Mac to a PC monitor..*sigh*

I also got a few more office supplies - files etc that make me feel almost legit.

In addition to this excitement, it was finally decided who would fill my position upon my departure! It's a bittersweet moment. It is very difficult for me to give up the reigns to what I consider "my" office. I have been here for 10 years, serving Kauai's underrepresented population. I have helped this office to become a respected agency and secured grants for various programs. I'm proud of what I and this office have accomplished. My worst fear is that this office will begin to lose it's reputation and cease to be invited to the table for discussions in our community. Now, I don't think my successor will be awful by any means, it's just that relinquishing control that I find so difficult. But now that my job has been given to someone else - the reality of my leaving has sunk in even more. It's almost brought a sort of peace to my mind  - like it's okay for me to start the letting go process now.

Finally, I signed up my first client! I think the referrals will roll in as word gets out that I'm taking private cases, but it's nice to have that first one, with the retainer sitting safely in a client trust account! I'm shocked at how quickly the billing adds up! I am beginning to see the earning potential in my new venture compared to my current employment. It's daunting and exciting at the same time..

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